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Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design by Baruch Givoni ebook EPUB, FB2, PDF


Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design Baruch Givoni Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference available on building and urban climatology. Written in clear, common-sense language by Baruch Givoni, the leading authority in the field, this book is a far-reaching look at a variety of climatic influences and their effects on individuals, buildings, and communities. Aimed at architecture and urban planning professionals and students alike, Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design offers real-life solutions to climatological site planning and design issues, helping to settle disputes about site orientation, site organization, and the assembly of building materials. Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design is organized into three parts. The first, Building Climatology, analyzes human thermal comfort and the effect of architectural and structural design features including layout, window orientation, and shading, and ventilation conditions on the indoor climate. Then, Urban Climatology explores the ways in which the climate in densely built areas can differ from surrounding regional climactic conditions, for example, in temperature, wind speed, and humidity. This part further explores the effects of urban design elements, such as urban density and building height, on a citys outdoor climate. Finally, Building and Urban Design Guidelines applies the body of available research on building climatology and the effects of physical planning on the urban and indoor climates to suggest design guidelines for different regions--for example, hot-dry and hot-humid climates. Filled with lists, tables, and graphs for easy cross-referencing, as well as hundreds of visuals, Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design offers readers the ability to perform a quick check of a proposed scheme against authoritative criteria. Mr. Givonis latest volume is a unique, indispensable guide to the relationship between building design, urban planning, and climate., This is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference available on building and urban climatology. The book takes a far-reaching look at the variety of climatic influences and their effects on individuals, buildings, and communities.

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During the 1930s, when he was not allowed to build, he studied fundamental questions of architecture and urbanism.This study will bringlate-Victorian and Modernist British writers into intimate conversation with a substantial new archive of ephemeral sources often regarded as remote from high art and its concerns: popular fiction; music hall and musical comedy; beauty pageants and fairground exhibitions; visual art and early film;careers manuals; magazine and periodical journalism; moral reform crusades, Royal Commissions, and attempts at protective legislation.Rappaport paints a reassuring yet realistic picture of the open adoption process.The origin of the Three Castles as a symbol is unknown and obscure.The book explores the globalization of this expanding discipline and helps you learn from universal best practices and observe the international growth of the discipline., The books provide innovation applications and case studies that are drawn from multiple countries.A city for romantics, art enthusists, and lovers of street life, Paris is eternally compelling, a beautiful urban landscape ideal for strolling through.They inspired both moral unease and erotic fascination.Drawing on the work of such pioneering urban economists as D.Sharply funny and compulsively readable, The Gilded Razor is a dazzling and harrowing memoir from debut author Sam Lansky.Why did the sultan, Mustafa III, cloistered in his Istanbul palace, decide to build a sabil in Cairo?As Zilfi illustrates through her graphic accounts of the humiliations and sufferings endured by these women at the hands of their owners, Ottoman slavery was often as cruel as its Western counterpart.